Former Members
François Peyresaubes
PhD - 2018Repair of UV Induced DNA Lesions in the rDNA Locus
Dean’s award
Romain Charton
Postdoctoral fellow - 2016-2017rDNA Chromatin in G1 Arrested Cells
Romain Charton
PhD - 2016Hydroxyurea effects on rRNA genes chromatin and transcription
Dean’s award
Laetitia Guintini
PhD - 2016(Co-direction with Dr R. Wellinger)
Repair of UV induced DNA lesions in natural sub-telomeric chromatin
Best poster: 2nd Canadian Symposium on Telomeres and Genome Integrity. Québec, Canada
Carlos Zeledon
MSc - 2013Repair of UV – and Cisplatin-Induced DNA Lesions
Dean’s award
FRSQ MSc fellowship (2 years)
NSERC MSc fellowship (2 years)
Maxime Tremblay
MSc then PhD - 2013rRNA Genes and Nucleotide Excision Repair
Dean’s awards (MSc & PhD)
FRSQ PhD fellowship (3 years)
Best poster: 55th Annual CSMB Conference, Whistler, Canada
Best oral presentation: Asilomar Chromatin and Chromosomes Meeting, USA
Annie D'amours
Research Assistant - 2013(Co-direction with Dr G. Boissonneault)
Developing New Techniques to Map DNA Lesions
Martin Toussaint
PhD - 2010Differential Participation of Homologous Recombination and Nucleotide Excision Repair in Yeast Survival to Ultraviolet Light Radiation
Dean’s award
FRSQ PhD fellowship (3 years)
NSERC PhD fellowship (3 years)
Best oral presentation: 6th Canadian Telomeres and Telomerase Symposium. Winnipeg, Canada
Geneviève Levasseur
MSc - 2008The Fate of RNA polymerase I at UV Induced DNA Lesions
Michel Paquette
MSc - 2006rDNA Chromatin During Nucleotide Excision Repair